
9 Oct 2023


From a collection of brands to a strong singular identity, RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) is Switzerland’s public broadcasting organisation for French language content. It is made up of two television stations, four radio stations, a website, numerous apps, and a host of flagship programs.

Hymn’s challenge was to maintain the original logo while also uniting RTS’ collection of different brands under a singular identity. They were asked to develop a clear hierarchy; update baselines, values, and emotions; maintain an essential “Swissness;” and offer a variety of controlled possibilities for growth over time.

Hymn’s solution allows RTS to express its unique and diverse identity through a simple yet cross-functional concept that revolves around a single element: the RTS logo. But – as is so often the case – that simplicity is the result of a complex, uncompromising, and subtle combination of typography, colour, animation, visual and audio associations, and (perhaps most importantly) dynamic storytelling.

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