Kurppa Hosk

5 Jul 2022


In 2021, Telia was in need of a redesigned visual identity. And they needed an evolution, not a revolution. The goal was to make sure that the new design enabled better customer experiences and made Telia stand out as one brand­ in all the different markets.

The new visual identity is centered around the idea of being Simply Engaging, making the design inviting and creating possibilities for even more engaging customer experiences.

The logotype is adjusted to fit a digital environment, which often means smaller formats where the logo still must look crisp and distinct. A new headline font has been crafted that is easier to read and gives Telia a distinct look. The core purple color has been complemented with both a darker and a lighter nuance, and a beige palette has also been added to add flexibility and warmth. Together it gives Telia a distinct look.

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